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5-th of June, World Environment Day

Shkodra, 5 June 2015 – The World Environment Day 2015 brought together different Environmental CSOs, environmental experts and media in the city of Shkodra. In the framework of SENiOR-A program, the Transboundary Forum Lake Shkodra, part of the Nature Protection Network, organized a press conference entitled: TOMORROW IS LATE!

The purpose of this conference was to raise public awareness on the environmental challenges around the region and attracting the attention of authorities and policy makers for positive changes in protecting the environment and the human health!

Faced with global environmental challenges of climate change and increasing human pressure on the use of natural resources, Environmental CSOs made an appeal towards all central, regional and local institutions, key stakeholders and authorities of Shkodra region, for a more serious commitment to taking concrete actions in ensuring environmental standards, as a condition of providing quality human life!

The President of FSLS, Mr. Mahir Hoti, urged both candidates running for the Municipality of Shkodra to reflect and present concrete initiatives to ensure environmental standards in the Shkodra region, as well as to explain their plans regarding the Shkodra BY-PASS, which so far has been left adrift – a gangrene that would eventually risks to degrade the LAKE Shkodra ecosystem.